Python Reference Manual

Dynet global parameters


class dynet.DynetParams

This object holds the global parameters of Dynet

This is useful if you want to specify the global dynet parameters (memory, random seed…) programmatically, for example in a notebook.

import _dynet

You can then declare and use a DynetParams object

# Declare a DynetParams object
dyparams = dy.DynetParams()
# Fetch the command line arguments (optional)
# Set some parameters manualy (see the command line arguments documentation)
# Initialize with the given parameters
dyparams.init() # or init_from_params(dyparams)

You can also use dynet_config object in your script to specify the device usage and the global dynet parameters (memory, random seed…) before import dynet:

import dynet_config
# Declare GPU as the default device type
# Set some parameters manualy
# Initialize dynet import using above configuration in the current scope
import dynet

Don’t forget to initialize with dyparams.init(), otherwise dynet will raise an error.


Gets parameters from the command line arguments

You can still modify the parameters after calling this. See the documentation about command line arguments for more details

Keyword Arguments:
 shared_parameters ([type]) – [description] (default: None)

Set parameters from config object:

Attributes of conf object:
mem, seed, autobatch, profiling, weight_decay, shared_params, requested_gpus, gpu_mask

Initialize dynet with the current dynetparams object.

This is one way, you can’t uninitialize dynet


Activate autobatching

Parameters:autobatch (bool) – Set to True to activate autobatching

Set the memory allocated to dynet

The unit is MB

Parameters:mem (number) – memory size in MB

Activate autobatching debug

Parameters:profiling (int) – Set to a value > 0 to activate profiling

Set random seed for dynet

Parameters:random_seed (number) – Random seed

Number of requested gpus

Parameters:requested_gpus (number) – number of requested gpus

Shared parameters

Parameters:shared_parameters (bool) – shared parameters

Set weight decay parameter

Parameters:weight_decay (float) – weight decay parameter

Initialization functions


Initialize dynet

Initializes dynet from command line arguments. Do not use after import dynet

Keyword Arguments:
 shared_parameters (bool) – [description] (default: None)

Initialize from DynetParams

Same as

Parameters:params (DynetParams) – dynet parameters

ParameterCollection and Parameters


class dynet.ParameterCollection(parent=None)

A ParameterCollection holds Parameters. Use it to create, load and save parameters.

(It used to be called Model in previous versions of DyNet, and Model is still an alias for ParameterCollection.)

A ParameterCollection is a container for Parameters and LookupParameters.

dynet.Trainer objects take ParameterCollection objects that define which parameters are being trained.

The values of the parameters in a collection can be persisted to and loaded from files.

The parameter collections can be nested, where each collection can hold zero or more sub-collection, which are also ParameterCollection objects. Each (sub-)collection contains the parameters in it and in all the (sub-)collections below it.

Parameters, LookupParameters and ParameterCollections have associated string names. The names can be accessed using the .name() method.

The names are used for identifying the parameters and the collection hierarchy when loading from disk, and in particular when loading only a subset of the objects in a saved file.

The name of a parameter, lookup parameter or sub-collection is unique within a ParameterCollection, and reflects the hierarchy structure.

One can supply an optional informative name when creating the parameter or sub-collection. The supplied names are then appended with running index to avoid name clashes. The .name() method returns the full name of an object, including the appended index and its location within the collection hierarchy. The user-supplied names cannot inclue the characters / (which is used as a hierarchy separator) or _ (which is used as an index separator).

add_lookup_parameters(dim, init=None, name='', device='')

Add a lookup parameter to the ParameterCollection


dim (tuple) – Shape of the parameter. The first dimension is the vocab size

Keyword Arguments:
  • init (dynet.PyInitializer) – Initializer (default: GlorotInitializer)
  • name (string) – Optional name for this parameter (default: “”)
  • device (string) – Optional device name for this parameter (default: “”, default device)

Created LookupParameter

Return type:


add_parameters(dim, init=None, name='', device='')

Add a parameter to the ParameterCollection


dim (tuple) – Shape of the parameter

Keyword Arguments:
  • init (dynet.PyInitializer) – Initializer (default: GlorotInitializer)
  • name (string) – Optional name for this parameter (default: “”)
  • device (string) – Optional device name for this parameter (default: “”, default device)

Created Parameter

Return type:



Creates a sub-collection of the current collection, and returns it.

A sub-collection is simply a ParameterCollection object which is tied to a parent collection. ParameterCollections can be nested to arbitraty depth.

Sub-collections are used for grouping of parameters, for example if one wants to train only a subset of the parameters, one can add them in a subcollection and pass the subcollection to a trainer. Similarly, for saving (or loading) only some of the parameters, one can save/populate a sub-collection.

Sub-collections are used inside builder objects (such as the LSTMBuilder): The builder creates a local sub-collection and adds parameters to it instead of to the global collection that is passed to it in the constructor. This way, the parameters participating in the builder are logically grouped, and can be saved/loaded/trained seperately if needed.

Parameters:name (string) – an optional name for the sub-collection.
Keyword Arguments:
 name (string) – Optional name for this sub-collection (default: “”)
Returns:(dynet.ParameterCollection) a parameter collection.
load_lookup_param(fname, key)

Loads a named lookup-parameter from a file, adds it to the collection, and returns the loaded parameter.

  • fname (string) – the file name to read from.
  • key (string) – the full-name of the lookup parameter to read.

(dynet.LookupParameters) The LookupParameters object.

load_param(fname, key)

Loads a named parameter from a file, adds it to the collection, and returns the loaded parameter.

  • fname (string) – the file name to read from.
  • key (string) – the full-name of the parameter to read.

(dynet.Parameters) The Parameters object.

lookup_parameters_from_numpy(array, name='', device='')

Create LookupParameters from numpy array

  • array (np.ndarray) – Numpy array. rows: vocab_size, cols: dims.
  • name (string) – optional name for this parameter.
  • device (string) – Optional device name for this parameter (default: “”, default device)


Return type:



Returns list of all looku parameters in the collection

Returns:All dy.LookupParameters in the collection
Return type:(list)

Return the full name of this collection.

parameters_from_numpy(array, name='', device='')

Create parameter from numpy array

  • array (np.ndarray) – Numpy array
  • name (string) – optional name for this parameter.
  • device (string) – Optional device name for this parameter (default: “”, default device)


Return type:



Returns list of all parameters in the collection

Returns:All dy.Parameters in the collection
Return type:(list)
populate(fname, key='')

Populate the values of all parameters in this collection from file.

This only populates the values of existing parameters, and does not add parameters to the collection. Thus, the content of the file and the parameters in this collection must match. One should make sure to add to the collection the same parameters (and in the same order) before calling populate, as the ones that were added before calling save.

Parameters:fname (string) – file name to read parameter values from.
save(fname, name='', append=False)

Save the values of all parameters in this collection to file.

Parameters:fname (string) – file name to save into.

Set the weight decay coefficient.

Parameters:lam (float) – Weight decay coefficient

Parameters and LookupParameters

class dynet.Parameters

Parameters class

Parameters are things that are optimized. in contrast to a system like Torch where computational modules may have their own parameters, in DyNet parameters are just parameters.


Return as a numpy array.

Returns:values of the parameter
Return type:np.ndarray
clip_inplace(left, right)

Clip the values in the parameter to a fixed range [left, right] (in place)

Parameters:arr (np.ndarray) – Scale

Returns the parameter as an expression

This is the same as calling

Parameters:update (bool) – If this is set to False, the parameter won’t be updated during the backward pass
Returns:Expression of the parameter
Return type:Expression

Return gradient as a numpy array.

Returns:values of the gradient w.r.t. this parameter
Return type:np.ndarray

check whether the parameter is updated or not

Returns:Update status
Return type:bool

Return the full name of this parameter.

populate(fname, key)

Populate the values of this Parameters object from the parameter named key in the file fname. The sizes of saved parameters and this object must match.

  • fname (string) – the name of a file to load from.
  • key (string) – the parameter to read from the file.

Scales the parameter

Parameters:s (float) – Scale

Scales the gradient

Parameters:s (float) – Scale

Set parameter as “updated”

Parameters:b (bool) – updated status

Set value of the parameter


Returns shape of the parameter

Returns:Shape of the parameter
Return type:tuple

Set the parameter to zero

class dynet.LookupParameters

LookupParameters represents a table of parameters.

They are used to embed a set of discrete objects (e.g. word embeddings). These are sparsely updated.


Return as a numpy array.

The first dimension is the lookup dimension

Return type:np.array

Returns a batched expression based on looked up indices

This does the same as dynet.lookup_batch

Parameters:i (list) – list of indices
Returns:Batched expression fo batch dimension len(i)
Return type:dynet.Expression

Returns an expression for the whole parameter

Same as dynet.parameter

Parameters:update (bool) – If this is set to False, the parameter won’t be updated during the backward pass
Returns:Expression of the parameter
Return type:Expression

Return gradients as a numpy array.

The first dimension is the lookup dimension

Returns:gradient values
Return type:np.array

Initializes the values according to a numpy array

Preferably uses ParameterCollection.lookup_parameter_from_numpy when possible

Parameters:arr (np.array) – numpy array of shape (num_lookups,...)
init_row(i, row)

Initialize one row with values

  • i (int) – index
  • row (list) – values

Return the full name of this lookup parameter.

populate(fname, key='')

Populate the values of this LookupParameters object from the parameter named key in the file fname. The sizes of saved parameters and this object must match.

  • fname (string) – the name of a file to load from.
  • key (string) – the parameter to read from the file.

Return row as a numpy array.

Parameters:row (int) – row to return
Return type:np.array

Return row gradient as a numpy array.

Parameters:row (int) – row to return
Return type:np.array

Return rows as a numpy array.

The first dimension is the lookup dimension

Parameters:rows (list) – rows to return
Return type:np.array

Return rows gradients as a numpy array.

The first dimension is the lookup dimension

Parameters:rows (list) – rows to return
Return type:np.array
save(fname, key='', append=False)

Save the values of this LookupParameters object to a particular file.

TODO: more docs. Refer to the tutorial for more info for now

  • fname (string) – the name of a file to save to.
  • key (string) – TODO

Scales the parameter

Parameters:s (float) – Scale

Scales the gradient

Parameters:s (float) – Scale

Returns shape of the lookup parameter

The first dimension is the lookup dimension

Returns:Shape of the parameter
Return type:tuple

Set all values to zero

Parameters initializers

class dynet.PyInitializer

Base class for parameter initializer

class dynet.NormalInitializer(mean=0, var=1)

Bases: dynet.PyInitializer

Initialize the parameters with a gaussian distribution

Keyword Arguments:
  • mean (number) – Mean of the distribution (default: 0)
  • var (number) – Variance of the distribution (default: 1)
class dynet.UniformInitializer(scale)

Bases: dynet.PyInitializer

Initialize the parameters with a uniform distribution

Parameters:scale (number) – Parmeters are sampled from \(\mathcal U([-\texttt{scale},\texttt{scale}])\)
class dynet.ConstInitializer(c)

Bases: dynet.PyInitializer

Initialize the parameters with a constant value

Parameters:c (number) – Value to initialize the parameters
class dynet.IdentityInitializer

Bases: dynet.PyInitializer

Initialize the parameters as the identity

Only works with square matrices

class dynet.GlorotInitializer(is_lookup=False, gain=1.0)

Bases: dynet.PyInitializer

Initializes the weights according to Glorot & Bengio (2011)

If the dimensions of the parameter matrix are \(m,n\), the weights are sampled from \(\mathcal U([-g\sqrt{\frac{6}{m+n}},g\sqrt{\frac{6}{m+n}}])\)

The gain \(g\) depends on the activation function :

  • \(\text{tanh}\) : 1.0
  • \(\text{ReLU}\) : 0.5
  • \(\text{sigmoid}\) : 4.0
  • Any smooth function \(f\) : \(\frac{1}{f'(0)}\)

Note: This is also known as Xavier initialization

Keyword Arguments:
  • is_lookup (bool) – Whether the parameter is alookup parameter (default: False)
  • gain (number) – Gain (Depends on the activation function) (default: 1.0)
class dynet.SaxeInitializer(scale=1.0)

Bases: dynet.PyInitializer

Initializes according to Saxe et al. (2014)

Initializes as a random orthonormal matrix (unimplemented for GPU)
Keyword Arguments:
scale (number): scale to apply to the orthonormal matrix
class dynet.FromFileInitializer(fname)

Bases: dynet.PyInitializer

Initialize parameter from file

Parameters:fname (str) – File name
class dynet.NumpyInitializer(array)

Bases: dynet.PyInitializer

Initialize from numpy array

Alternatively, use ParameterCollection.parameters_from_numpy()

Parameters:array (np.ndarray) – Numpy array

High level saving/loading, objects)

Saves a list of parameters, lookup parameters and builder objects to disk.

  • basename (string) – The base-name of the files to save. Two files will be created: and basename.meta.
  • objects (iterable) – An iterable of objects to save (see below).


import dynet as dy

pc = dy.ParameterCollection() W = pc.add_parameters((100,50)) E = pc.add_lookup_parameters((1000,50)) builder = dy.LSTMBuilder(2, 50, 50, pc)“model”, [E, builder, W])

# then, when loading: pc = dy.ParameterCollection() E2, builder2, W2 = dy.load(“model”, pc)

What can be saved:

Each object in objects must be one of the following:

  1. Parameter
  2. LookupParameter
  3. one of the built-in types (CompactVanillaLSTMBuilder, VanillaLSTMBuilder, LSTMBuilder, GRUBuilder,
    SimpleRNNBuilder, BiRNNBuilder)
  4. a type adhering to the following interface:
    • has a param_collection() method returning a ParameterCollection object with the parameters in the object.
    • has a .spec property with picklable items describing the object
    • has a .from_spec(spec, model) static method that will create and return a new instane with the needed parameters/etc in the model.

Note, the built-in types in (3) above can be saved/loaded this way simply because they support this interface.

behind the scenes:

  • for each item, we write to .meta:
    if it is a Parameters/ParameterCollection:
    its type and full name.
    if it is a builder:
    its class, its spec, the full name of its parameters collection.
  • the associated parameters/sub-collection is then saved to .data
dynet.load(basename, params)

Loads a list of parameters, lookup parameters and builder objects from disk. The loaded objects are added to the supplied parameter collection, and returned.

  • basename (string) – The basename to read from. This is the same string that was used when saving the objects.
  • params (dynet.ParameterCollection) – A ParameterCollection to add the loaded objects to.

A list of parameters, lookup parameters and builder objects, in the same order they were passed to the save function.


import dynet as dy

pc = dy.ParameterCollection() W = pc.add_parameters((100,50)) E = pc.add_lookup_parameters((1000,50)) builder = dy.LSTMBuilder(2, 50, 50, pc)“model”, [E, builder, W])

# then, when loading: pc = dy.ParameterCollection() E2, builder2, W2 = dy.load(“model”, pc)

Computation Graph

dynet.renew_cg(immediate_compute=False, check_validity=False, autobatching=None)

Renew the computation graph.

Call this before building any new computation graph


Varsion of the current computation graph


Saves the state of the computation graph


Revert the computation graph state to the previous checkpoint

Get the current ComputationGraph

class dynet.ComputationGraph

Computation graph object

While the ComputationGraph is central to the inner workings of DyNet, from the user’s perspective, the only responsibility is to create a new computation graph for each training example.


Same as dynet.parameters(params)

renew(immediate_compute=False, check_validity=False, autobatching=None)

Same as dynet.renew_cg()


Same as dynet.cg_version()



class dynet.Expression

Expressions are the building block of a Dynet computation graph.

Expressions are the main data types being manipulated in a DyNet program. Each expression represents a sub-computation in a computation graph.


Run the backward pass based on this expression

The parameter full specifies whether the gradients should be computed for all nodes (True) or only non-constant nodes (False).

By default, a node is constant unless

  1. it is a parameter node
  2. it depends on a non-constant node

Thus, functions of constants and inputs are considered as constants.

Turn full on if you want to retrieve gradients w.r.t. inputs for instance. By default this is turned off, so that the backward pass ignores nodes which have no influence on gradients w.r.t. parameters for efficiency.

Parameters:full (bool) – Whether to compute all gradients (including with respect to constant nodes).

Dimension of the expression

Returns a tuple (dims,batch_dim) where dims is the tuple of dimensions of each batch element

Return type:tuple

This runs incremental forward on the entire graph

May not be optimal in terms of efficiency. Prefer values

Keyword Arguments:
 recalculate (bool) – Recalculate the computation graph (for static graphs with new inputs) (default: False)

Returns the value of the expression as a numpy array

The last dimension is the batch size (if it’s > 1).

Make sure to call backward on a downstream expression before calling this.

If the Expression is a constant expression (meaning it’s not a function of a parameter), dynet won’t compute it’s gradient for the sake of efficiency. You need to manually force the gradient computation by adding the agument full=True to backward

Returns:numpy array of values
Return type:np.ndarray

Returns the value of the expression as a numpy array

The last dimension is the batch size (if it’s > 1)

Keyword Arguments:
 recalculate (bool) – Recalculate the computation graph (for static graphs with new inputs) (default: False)
Returns:numpy array of values
Return type:np.ndarray

Returns value of an expression as a scalar

This only works if the expression is a scalar

Keyword Arguments:
 recalculate (bool) – Recalculate the computation graph (for static graphs with new inputs) (default: False)
Returns:Scalar value of the expression
Return type:float

Returns the value of the expression as a Tensor.

This is useful if you want to use the value for other on-device calculations that are not part of the computation graph, i.e. using argmax.

Keyword Arguments:
 recalculate (bool) – Recalculate the computation graph (for static graphs with new inputs) (default: False)
Returns:a dynet Tensor object.
Return type:Tensor

Gets the value of the expression in the most relevant format

this returns the same thing as scalar_value, vec_value, npvalue depending on whether the number of dimensions of the expression is 0, 1 or 2+

Keyword Arguments:
 recalculate (bool) – Recalculate the computation graph (for static graphs with new inputs) (default: False)
Returns:Value of the expression
Return type:float, list, np.ndarray

Returns the value of the expression as a vector

In case of a multidimensional expression, the values are flattened according to a column major ordering

Keyword Arguments:
 recalculate (bool) – Recalculate the computation graph (for static graphs with new inputs) (default: False)
Returns:Array of values
Return type:list


Operations are used to build expressions

Input operations

dynet.inputTensor(arr, batched=False, device='', reusable_expr=False)

Creates a tensor expression based on a numpy array or a list.

The dimension is inferred from the shape of the input. if batched=True, the last dimension is used as a batch dimension if arr is a list of numpy ndarrays, this returns a batched expression where the batch elements are the elements of the list


arr (list,np.ndarray) – Values : numpy ndarray OR list of np.ndarray OR multidimensional list of floats

Keyword Arguments:
  • batched (bool) – Whether to use the last dimension as a batch dimension (default: False)
  • device (string) – Optional, device on which to create the expression.

Input expression

Return type:



TypeError – If the type is not respected

dynet.sparse_inputTensor(idxs, values, shape, batched=False, defval=0, device='')

Creates a tensor expression based on indices and values

The dimension is inferred from the shape of the input. if batched=True, the last dimension is used as a batch dimension if arr is a list of numpy ndarrays, this returns a batched expression where the batch elements are the elements of the list

  • idxs (tuple, list) – A tuple/list of integer arrays, one array for each dimension (including the batch dimension)
  • values (list,np.ndarray) – A 1D array/list of values
  • shape – The desired shape
Keyword Arguments:
  • batched (bool) – Whether to use the last dimension as a batch dimension (default: False). For example if shape=(3, 3, 3) and batched=True the resulting expression will be a batch of 3 3x3 matrices
  • defval (number) – The default value for all non specified coordinates (default: 0)
  • device (string) – Optional, device on which to create the expression.

Input expression

Return type:


  • TypeError – If the type is not respected
  • ValueError – If the number of dimensions don’t match

Add parameters to the computation graph.

Get the expression objects corresponding to parameters. Gradients for parameters will be computed and used by Optimizers to update.

  • args – Parameter and LookupParameter objects to add to the computation
  • graph.

one expression for each input parameter.

Return type:



NotImplementedError – Only works with Parameters and LookupParameters.


Add constant parameters to the computation graph.

Get the expression objects corresponding to parameters. Gradients for parameters will be NOT computed or used by Optimizers to update. To access parameters that should be updated (which is usually what you want), use parameter() instead.

  • args – Parameter and LookupParameter objects to add to the computation
  • graph.

one expression for each input parameter.

Return type:



NotImplementedError – Only works with Parameters and LookupParameters.

dynet.scalarInput(s, device='')
dynet.vecInput(dim, device='')

Input an empty vector

  • dim (number) – Size
  • device (string) – Optional, device on which to create the expression.

Corresponding expression

Return type:


dynet.inputVector(v, device='')

Input a vector by values

  • v (vector[float]) – Values
  • device (string) – Optional, device on which to create the expression.

Corresponding expression

Return type:


dynet.matInput(d1, d2)

DEPRECATED : use inputTensor

TODO : remove this

  • d1 (int) – [description]
  • d2 (int) – [description]


Return type:


dynet.inputMatrix(v, d)

DEPRECATED : use inputTensor

TODO : remove this

inputMatrix(vector[float] v, tuple d)

Create a matrix literal. First argument is a list of floats (or a flat numpy array). Second argument is a dimension. Returns: an expression. Usage example:

x = inputMatrix([1,2,3,4,5,6],(2,3))
array([[ 1.,  3.,  5.],
       [ 2.,  4.,  6.]])
dynet.lookup(p, index=0, update=True)

Pick an embedding from a lookup parameter and returns it as a expression

param p:Lookup parameter to pick from
type p:LookupParameters
Keyword Arguments:
  • index (number) – Lookup index (default: 0)
  • update (bool) – Whether to update the lookup parameter [(default: True)

Expression for the embedding

Return type:


dynet.lookup_batch(p, indices, update=True)

Look up parameters.

The mini-batched version of lookup. The resulting expression will be a mini-batch of parameters, where the “i”th element of the batch corresponds to the parameters at the position specified by the “i”th element of “indices”

  • p (LookupParameters) – Lookup parameter to pick from
  • indices (list(int)) – Indices to look up for each batch element
Keyword Arguments:

update (bool) – Whether to update the lookup parameter (default: True)


Expression for the batched embeddings

Return type:


dynet.zeros(dim, batch_size=1)

Create an input full of zeros

Create an input full of zeros, sized according to dimensions dim

Parameters:dim (tuple, int) – Dimension of the tensor
Keyword Arguments:
 batch_size (number) – Batch size of the tensor (default: (1))
Returns:A d dimensioned zero tensor
Return type:dynet.Expression
dynet.ones(dim, batch_size=1)

Create an input full of ones

Create an input full of ones, sized according to dimensions dim

Parameters:dim (tuple, int) – Dimension of the tensor
Keyword Arguments:
 batch_size (number) – Batch size of the tensor (default: (1))
Returns:A d dimensioned zero tensor
Return type:dynet.Expression
dynet.constant(dim, val, batch_size=1)

Create an input full of val

Create an input full of val, sized according to dimensions dim

  • dim (tuple, int) – Dimension of the tensor
  • val (number) – Value
Keyword Arguments:

batch_size (number) – Batch size of the tensor (default: (1))


A d dimensioned tensor filled with value val

Return type:


dynet.random_normal(dim, mean=0.0, stddev=1.0, batch_size=1)

Create a random normal vector

Create a vector distributed according to normal distribution with mean 0, variance 1.


dim (tuple, int) – Dimension of the tensor

Keyword Arguments:
  • mean (float) – mean of the distribution (default: 0.0)
  • stddev (float) – standard deviation of distribution (default: 1.0)
  • batch_size (number) – Batch size of the tensor (default: (1))

A “d” dimensioned normally distributed tensor

Return type:


dynet.random_bernoulli(dim, p, scale=1.0, batch_size=1)

Create a random bernoulli tensor

Create a tensor distributed according to bernoulli distribution with parameter \(p\).

  • dim (tuple, int) – Dimension of the tensor
  • p (number) – Parameter of the bernoulli distribution
Keyword Arguments:
  • scale (number) – Scaling factor to apply to the sampled tensor (default: (1.0))
  • batch_size (number) – Batch size of the tensor (default: (1))

A “d” dimensioned bernoulli distributed tensor

Return type:


dynet.random_uniform(dim, left, right, batch_size=1)

Create a random uniform tensor

Create a tensor distributed according to uniform distribution with boundaries left and right.

  • dim (tuple, int) – Dimension of the tensor
  • left (number) – Lower bound of the uniform distribution
  • right (number) – Upper bound of the uniform distribution
Keyword Arguments:

batch_size (number) – Batch size of the tensor (default: (1))


A “d” dimensioned uniform distributed tensor

Return type:


dynet.random_gumbel(dim, mu=0.0, beta=1.0, batch_size=1)

Create a random Gumbel sampled vector

Create a vector distributed according to a Gumbel distribution with the specified parameters. (Currently only the defaults of mu=0.0 and beta=1.0 supported.


dim (tuple, int) – Dimension of the tensor

Keyword Arguments:
  • mu (number) – The \(\mu\) parameter (default: (0.0))
  • beta (number) – The \(\beta\) parameter (default: (1.0))
  • batch_size (number) – Batch size of the tensor (default: (1))

“d” dimensioned Gumbel distributed tensor

Return type:


dynet.noise(x, stddev)

Additive gaussian noise

Add gaussian noise to an expression.

  • x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
  • stddev (number) – The standard deviation of the gaussian

\(y\sim\mathcal N(x,\texttt{stddev})\)

Return type:


Arithmetic operations

dynet.cdiv(x, y)

Componentwise division

Divide an expressions component-wise by another, broadcasting dimensions (currently only of the second expression!) if necessary as follows:
  • When number of dimensions differ, we add dimensions of size 1 to make the number of dimensions match
  • Now, every dimensions is required to have matching size, or the dim size of the right expression must equal 1 (in which case it will be broadcasted)
  • In the same way, the batch sizes must match, or the batch size of the right expression must equal 1 in which case it will be broadcasted
  • The resulting tensor’s dimensionality is thus determined as the max of both inputs at every position

An expression where the ith element is equal to \(\frac{x_i}{y_i}\)

Return type:


dynet.cmult(x, y)

Componentwise multiplication

Multiply two expressions component-wise, broadcasting dimensions if necessary as follows:
  • When number of dimensions differ, we add dimensions of size 1 to make the number of dimensions match
  • Now, every dimensions is required to have matching size, or one of the dimensions must equal 1 (in which case it will be broadcasted)
  • In the same way, the batch dimension must match, or equal 1 in which case it will be broadcasted
  • The resulting tensor’s dimensionality is thus determined as the max of both inputs at every position

An expression where the ith element is equal to \(x_i\times y_i\)

Return type:


dynet.colwise_add(x, y)

Columnwise addition

Add vector \(y\) to each column of matrix \(x\)


An expression where \(y\) is added to each column of \(x\)

Return type:



Squared norm

The squared norm of the values of x: \(\Vert x\Vert_2^2=\sum_i x_i^2\).

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Returns:\(\Vert x\Vert_2^2=\sum_i x_i^2\)
Return type:dynet.Expression

L2 norm

The l2 norm of the values of x: \(\Vert x\Vert_2=\sqrt{\sum_i x_i^2}\).

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Returns:\(\Vert x\Vert_2=\sqrt{\sum_i x_i^2}\)
Return type:dynet.Expression

Natural exponent

Calculate elementwise \(y_i = e^{x_i}\)

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Return type:dynet.Expression


Calculate elementwise \(y_i = x_i^2\)

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Returns:\(y = x^2\)
Return type:dynet.Expression

Square root

Calculate elementwise \(y_i = \sqrt{x_i}\)

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Returns:\(y = \sqrt{x}\)
Return type:dynet.Expression

Absolute value

Calculate elementwise \(y_i = \vert x_i\vert\)

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Returns:\(y = \vert x\vert\)
Return type:dynet.Expression

Gaussian error function

Elementwise calculation of the Gaussian error function \(y_i = \text{erf}(x_i)=\frac {1}{\sqrt{\pi}}\int_{-x_i}^{x_i}e^{-t^2}\mathrm{d}t\)

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Returns:\(y_i = \text{erf}(x_i)\)
Return type:dynet.Expression

Calculate elementwise \(y_i = x_i^3\)

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Returns:\(y = x^3\)
Return type:dynet.Expression

Natural logarithm

Elementwise calculation of the natural logarithm \(y_i = \ln(x_i)\)

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Returns:\(y_i = \ln(x_i)\)
Return type:dynet.Expression

Log sigmoid

Calculate elementwise log gamma function \(y_i = \ln(\frac{1}{1+e^{x_i}})\) This is more numerically stable than log(logistic(x))

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Returns:\(y_i = \ln(\frac{1}{1+e^{x_i}})\)
Return type:dynet.Expression

Log gamma

Calculate elementwise log gamma function \(y_i = \ln(\Gamma(x_i))\)

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Returns:\(y_i = \ln(\Gamma(x_i))\)
Return type:dynet.Expression


Elementwise calculation of the sine

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Return type:dynet.Expression


Elementwise calculation of the cosine

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Return type:dynet.Expression


Elementwise calculation of the tangent

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Return type:dynet.Expression

Inverse sine

Elementwise calculation of the inverse sine

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Return type:dynet.Expression

Inverse cosine

Elementwise calculation of the inverse cosine

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Return type:dynet.Expression


Elementwise calculation of the inverse tangent

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Return type:dynet.Expression

Hyperbolic sine

Elementwise calculation of the hyperbolic sine

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Return type:dynet.Expression

Hyperbolic cosine

Elementwise calculation of the hyperbolic cosine

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Return type:dynet.Expression

Hyperbolic tangent

Elementwise calculation of the hyperbolic tangent

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Return type:dynet.Expression

Inverse hyperbolic sine

Elementwise calculation of the inverse hyperbolic sine

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Return type:dynet.Expression

Inverse hyperbolic cosine

Elementwise calculation of the inverse hyperbolic cosine

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Return type:dynet.Expression

Inverse hyperbolic tangent

Elementwise calculation of the inverse hyperbolic tangent

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Return type:dynet.Expression

Logistic sigmoid function

Calculate elementwise \(y_i = \frac{1}{1+e^{-x_i}}\)

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Returns:\(y_i = \frac{1}{1+e^{-x_i}}\)
Return type:dynet.Expression

Rectifier (or ReLU, Rectified Linear Unit)

Calculate elementwise recitifer (ReLU) function \(y_i = \max(x_i,0)\)

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Returns:\(y_i = \max(x_i,0)\)
Return type:dynet.Expression
dynet.elu(x, alpha=1.0)

Exponential Linear Unit (ELU)

Calculate elementwise the function

\[\begin{split}y_i = \left\{\begin{array}{lr} x_i, & \text{if } x>0\\ \alpha\times(e^{x_i} - 1), & \text{if }x\leqslant 0 \end{array}\right.\end{split}\]

Reference: Clevert et al., 2015

  • x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
  • alpha (number) – \(\alpha\) parameter

\(\text{ELU}(x_i, \alpha)\)

Return type:



Scaled Exponential Linear Unit (SELU)

Calculate elementwise the function

\[\begin{split}y_i = \lambda\times\left\{ \begin{array}{lr} x_i, & \text{if } x>0\\ \alpha\times(e^{x_i} - 1), & \text{if }x\leqslant 0\\ \end{array}\right.\end{split}\]


\[\begin{split}\begin{split} \lambda &=\texttt{1.0507009873554804934193349852946}\\ \alpha &=\texttt{1.6732632423543772848170429916717}\\ \end{split}\end{split}\]

Reference: Klambaouer et al., 2017

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Return type:dynet.Expression


The sparsemax function (Martins et al. 2016), which is similar to softmax, but induces sparse solutions where most of the vector elements are zero. Note: This function is not yet implemented on GPU.

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Returns:The sparsemax of the scores
Return type:dynet.Expression

Softsign function

Calculate elementwise the softsign function \(y_i = \frac{x_i}{1+\vert x_i\vert}\)

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Returns:\(y_i = \frac{x_i}{1+\vert x_i\vert}\)
Return type:dynet.Expression
dynet.pow(x, y)

Power function

Calculate an output where the ith element is equal to \(x_i^{y_i}\)



Return type:


dynet.bmin(x, y)


Calculate an output where the ith element is \(\min(x_i,y_i)\)



Return type:


dynet.bmax(x, y)


Calculate an output where the ith element is \(\max(x_i,y_i)\)



Return type:


dynet.cumsum(x, d=0)

Cumulative sum along an arbitrary dimension

Computes the cumulative sum \(y_i=\sum_{j\leq i}x_j\) along an arbitrary dimension.

  • x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
  • d (int) – Dimension along which to compute the cumulative sums (default: 0)

An expression with the same dimension as the input

Return type:


Reduction/moment operations


Sum all elements

Sum all the elements in an expression.

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Returns:The sum of all of its elements
Return type:dynet.Expression
dynet.moment_elems(x, r)

Statistical moment of elements of the tensor

Computes the statistical moment of order \(r\), \(\frac 1 n \sum_ix_i^r\) of all the elements of each minibatch. :param x: Input expression :type x: dynet.Expression :param r: Moment order :type r: int

Returns:A scalar expression (minibatched)
Return type:dynet.Expression

Mean of elements of the tensor

Computes the mean \(\frac 1 n \sum_ix_i\) of all the elements of each minibatch. :param x: Input expression :type x: dynet.Expression

Returns:A scalar expression (minibatched)
Return type:dynet.Expression

Standard deviation of elements of the tensor

Computes the standard deviation \(\sigma=\sqrt{\frac 1 n \sum_i(x_i-\mu)^2}\) of all the elements of each minibatch. :param x: Input expression :type x: dynet.Expression

Returns:A scalar expression (minibatched)
Return type:dynet.Expression
dynet.sum_dim(x, d, b=False, n=0)

Sum along an arbitrary dimension

Computes the sum \(\sum_ix_i\) along an arbitrary dimension or dimensions.

  • x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
  • d (list) – Dimensions along which to reduce
  • b (bool) – Whether to include batch dimension

An expression with |d| less dimensions and possibly dropped batch dimension

Return type:


dynet.moment_dim(x, d, r, b, n=0)

Statistical moment along an arbitrary dimension

Computes the statistical moment of order \(r\), \(\frac 1 n \sum_ix_i^r\) along an arbitrary dimension.

  • x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
  • d (list) – Dimensions along which to reduce
  • r (int) – Moment order
  • b (bool) – Whether to include batch dimension
  • n (int) – If > 0, overwrite the n in the equation by this value, useful for masking

An expression with |d| less dimensions and possibly dropped batch dimension

Return type:


dynet.mean_dim(x, d, b, n=0)

Mean along an arbitrary dimension

Computes the mean \(\frac 1 n \sum_ix_i\) along an arbitrary dimension.

  • x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
  • d (list) – Dimensions along which to reduce
  • b (bool) – Whether to include batch dimension
  • n (int) – If > 0, overwrite the n in the equation by this value, useful for masking

An expression with |d| less dimensions and possibly dropped batch dimension

Return type:


dynet.std_dim(x, d, b, n=0)

Standard deviation along an arbitrary dimension

Computes the standard deviation \(\sigma=\sqrt{\frac 1 n \sum_i(x_i-\mu)^2}\) along arbitrary dimensions.

  • x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
  • d (int) – Dimensions along which to reduce
  • b (bool) – Whether to include batch dimension
  • n (int) – If > 0, overwrite the n in the equation by this value, useful for masking

An expression with |d| less dimensions and possibly dropped batch dimension

Return type:


dynet.max_dim(x, d=0)

Max out through a dimension

Select out a element/row/column/sub-tensor from an expression, with maximum value along a given dimension. This will result in the dimension of the expression being reduced by 1.

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Keyword Arguments:
 d (int) – Dimension on which to perform the maxout (default: (0))
Returns:An expression of sub-tensor with max value along dimension d
Return type:dynet.Expression
dynet.min_dim(x, d=0)

Min out through a dimension

Select out a element/row/column/sub-tensor from an expression, with minimum value along a given dimension. This will result in the dimension of the expression being reduced by 1.

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Keyword Arguments:
 d (int) – Dimension on which to perform the minout (default: (0))
Returns:An expression of sub-tensor with min value along dimension d
Return type:dynet.Expression

Sum over minibatches

Sum an expression that consists of multiple minibatches into one of equal dimension but with only a single minibatch. This is useful for summing loss functions at the end of minibatch training.

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Returns:An expression with a single batch
Return type:dynet.Expression
dynet.moment_batches(x, r)

Statistical moment along the batch dimension

Computes the statistical moment of order \(r\), \(\frac 1 n \sum_ix_i^r\) along the batch dimension. :param x: Input expression :type x: dynet.Expression :param r: Moment order :type r: int

Returns:An expression with a single batch
Return type:dynet.Expression

Mean along the batch dimension

Computes the mean \(\frac 1 n \sum_ix_i\) along the batch dimension. :param x: Input expression :type x: dynet.Expression

Returns:An expression with a single batch
Return type:dynet.Expression

Standard deviation along the batch dimension

Computes the standard deviation \(\sigma=\sqrt{\frac 1 n \sum_i(x_i-\mu)^2}\) along the batch dimension. :param x: Input expression :type x: dynet.Expression

Returns:An expression with a single batch
Return type:dynet.Expression
dynet.fold_rows(x, nrows=2)



Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) –
Keyword Arguments:
 nrows {number} (unsigned) – (default: (2))
Return type:dynet.Expression


This performs an elementwise sum over all the expressions in xs

Parameters:xs (list) – A list of expression of same dimension
Returns:An expression where the ith element is equal to \(\sum_{j=0}\texttt{xs[}j\texttt{][}i\texttt{]}\)
Return type:dynet.Expression


This performs an elementwise max over all the expressions in xs

Parameters:xs (list) – A list of expression of same dimension
Returns:An expression where the ith element is equal to \(\max_j\texttt{xs[}j\texttt{][}i\texttt{]}\)
Return type:dynet.Expression

Log, sum, exp

The elementwise “logsumexp” function that calculates \(\ln(\sum_i e^{xs_i})\), used in adding probabilities in the log domain.

Parameters:xs (list) – A list of expression of same dimension
Returns:An expression where the ith element is equal to \(\ln\left(\sum_{j=0}e^{\texttt{xs[}j\texttt{][}i\texttt{]}}\right)\)
Return type:dynet.Expression


This performs an elementwise average over all the expressions in xs

Parameters:xs (list) – A list of expression of same dimension
Returns:An expression where the ith element is equal to \(\frac{1}{\texttt{len(xs)}}\sum_{j=0}\texttt{xs[}j\texttt{][}i\texttt{]}\)
Return type:dynet.Expression

Loss/Probability operations

dynet.softmax(x, d=0)


The softmax function normalizes each column to ensure that all values are between 0 and 1 and add to one by applying the \(\frac{e^{x_i}}{sum_j e^{x_j}}\).

  • x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
  • d (int) – Dimension to normalize over

\(\frac{e^{x_i}}{\sum_j e^{x_j}}\)

Return type:


dynet.log_softmax(x, restrict=None)

Restricted log softmax

The log softmax function calculated over only a subset of the vector elements. The elements to be included are set by the restriction variable. All elements not included in restriction are set to negative infinity.

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Keyword Arguments:
 restrict (list) – List of log softmax to compute (default: (None))
Returns:A vector with the log softmax over the specified elements
Return type:dynet.Expression
dynet.pairwise_rank_loss(x, y, m=1.0)

Pairwise rank loss

A margin-based loss, where every margin violation for each pair of values is penalized: \(\sum_i \max(m - x_i + y_i, 0)\)

Keyword Arguments:

m (number) – The margin (default: (1.0))


The pairwise rank loss

Return type:


dynet.poisson_loss(log_lambda, x)

Poisson loss

The negative log probability of x according to a Poisson distribution with parameter \(\exp\) log_lambda. Useful in Poisson regression where, we try to predict the parameters of a Possion distribution to maximize the probability of data x.

  • log_lambda (dynet.Expression) – The log of the Poisson distribution’s lambda
  • x (int) – The target value

The Poisson loss

Return type:


dynet.huber_distance(x, y, c=1.345)

Huber distance

The huber distance between values of x and y parameterized by c, \(\sum_i L_c(x_i, y_i)\) where:

\[\begin{split}L_c(x, y) = \begin{cases}{lr} \frac{1}{2}(y - x)^2 & \textrm{for } \vert y - f(x)\vert \le c, \\ c\, \vert y - f(x)\vert - \frac{1}{2}c^2 & \textrm{otherwise.} \end{cases}\end{split}\]
Keyword Arguments:

c (number) – The parameter of the huber distance parameterizing the cuttoff (default: (1.345))


The huber distance

Return type:


dynet.pickneglogsoftmax(x, v)

Negative softmax log likelihood

This function takes in a vector of scores x, and performs a log softmax, takes the negative, and selects the likelihood corresponding to the element v. This is perhaps the most standard loss function for training neural networks to predict one out of a set of elements.


\(-\log\left(\frac{e^{x_v}}{\sum_j e^{x_j}}\right)\)

Return type:


dynet.pickneglogsoftmax_batch(x, vs)

Negative softmax log likelihood on a batch

This function takes in a batched vector of scores x, and performs a log softmax, takes the negative, and selects the likelihood corresponding to the elements vs. This is perhaps the most standard loss function for training neural networks to predict one out of a set of elements.


\(-\sum_{v\in \texttt{vs}}\log\left(\frac{e^{x_v}}{\sum_j e^{x_j}}\right)\)

Return type:


dynet.hinge(x, v, m=1.0)

Hinge loss

This function takes in a vector of scores x, and calculates a hinge loss such that the element v must be greater than all other elements by at least m, otherwise a loss is incurred.

  • x (dynet.Expression) – Input scores
  • v (int) – True class
  • m (float) – The margin

\(\sum_{\tilde{v} != v} max(x_{\tilde{v}} - x_v + m, 0)\)

Return type:


dynet.hinge_batch(x, vs, m=1.0)

Hinge loss on a batch

This function takes in a batched vector of scores xs, and calculates a hinge loss such that the elements vs must be greater than all other elements by at least m, otherwise a loss is incurred.

  • x (dynet.Expression) – Input scores
  • v (list) – True classes
  • m (float) – The margin

The batched hinge loss function

Return type:


dynet.kmh_ngram(x, v)




Return type:


dynet.squared_distance(x, y)

Squared distance

The squared distance between values of x and y: \(\Vert x-y\Vert_2^2=\sum_i (x_i-y_i)^2\).


\(\Vert x-y\Vert_2^2=\sum_i (x_i-y_i)^2\)

Return type:


dynet.l1_distance(x, y)

L1 distance

L1 distance between values of x and y: \(\Vert x-y\Vert_1=\sum_i \vert x_i-y_i\vert\).


\(\Vert x-y\Vert_1=\sum_i \vert x_i-y_i\vert\).

Return type:


dynet.binary_log_loss(x, y)

Binary log loss

The log loss of a binary decision according to the sigmoid sigmoid function \(- \sum_i (y_i \ln(x_i) + (1-y_i) \ln(1-x_i))\)


\(- \sum_i (y_i \ln(x_i) + (1-y_i) \ln(1-x_i))\)

Return type:


Flow/Shaping operations

dynet.pick(e, index=0, dim=0)

Pick element.

Pick a single element/row/column/sub-tensor from an expression. This will result in the dimension of the tensor being reduced by 1.


e (Expression) – Expression to pick from

Keyword Arguments:
  • index (number) – Index to pick (default: 0)
  • dim (number) – Dimension to pick from (default: 0)

Picked expression

Return type:


dynet.pick_batch(e, indices, dim=0)

Batched pick.

Pick elements from multiple batches.

  • e (Expression) – Expression to pick from
  • indices (list) – Indices to pick
  • dim (number) – Dimension to pick from (default: 0)

Picked expression

Return type:


dynet.pickrange(x, s, e)
dynet.pick_batch_elem(x, v)

Pick batch element.

Pick batch element from a batched expression. For a Tensor with 3 batch elements:

\[\begin{split}\begin{pmatrix} x_{1,1,1} & x_{1,1,2} \\ x_{1,2,1} & x_{1,2,2} \\ \end{pmatrix}\\ \begin{pmatrix} x_{2,1,1} & x_{2,1,2} \\ x_{2,2,1} & x_{2,2,2} \\ \end{pmatrix}\\ \begin{pmatrix} x_{3,1,1} & x_{3,1,2} \\ x_{3,2,1} & x_{3,2,2} \\ \end{pmatrix}\end{split}\]

pick_batch_elem(t, 1) will return a Tensor of

\[\begin{split}\begin{pmatrix} x_{2,1,1} & x_{2,1,2} \\ x_{2,2,1} & x_{2,2,2} \\ \end{pmatrix}\end{split}\]
  • x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
  • v (int) – The index of the batch element to be picked.

The expression of picked batch element. The picked element is a tensor whose batch dimension equals to one.

Return type:


dynet.pick_batch_elems(x, vs)

Pick batch element.

Pick batch element from a batched expression. For a Tensor with 3 batch elements:

\[\begin{split}\begin{pmatrix} x_{1,1,1} & x_{1,1,2} \\ x_{1,2,1} & x_{1,2,2} \\ \end{pmatrix}\\ \begin{pmatrix} x_{2,1,1} & x_{2,1,2} \\ x_{2,2,1} & x_{2,2,2} \\ \end{pmatrix}\\ \begin{pmatrix} x_{3,1,1} & x_{3,1,2} \\ x_{3,2,1} & x_{3,2,2} \\ \end{pmatrix}\end{split}\]

pick_batch_elems(t, [2, 3]) will return a Tensor of

\[\begin{split}\begin{pmatrix} x_{2,1,1} & x_{2,1,2} \\ x_{2,2,1} & x_{2,2,2} \\ \end{pmatrix}\\ \begin{pmatrix} x_{3,1,1} & x_{3,1,2} \\ x_{3,2,1} & x_{3,2,2} \\ \end{pmatrix}\end{split}\]
  • x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
  • vs (list) – A list of indices of the batch elements to be picked.

The expression of picked batch elements. The batch elements is a tensor whose batch dimension equals to the size of list v.

Return type:


dynet.reshape(x, d, batch_size=1)

Reshape to another size

This node reshapes a tensor to another size, without changing the underlying layout of the data. The layout of the data in DyNet is column-major, so if we have a 3x4 matrix :

\[\begin{split}\begin{pmatrix} x_{1,1} & x_{1,2} & x_{1,3} & x_{1,4} \\ x_{2,1} & x_{2,2} & x_{2,3} & x_{2,4} \\ x_{3,1} & x_{3,2} & x_{3,3} & x_{3,4} \\ \end{pmatrix}\end{split}\]

and transform it into a 2x6 matrix, it will be rearranged as:

\[\begin{split}\begin{pmatrix} x_{1,1} & x_{3,1} & x_{2,2} & x_{1,3} & x_{3,3} & x_{2,4} \\ x_{2,1} & x_{1,2} & x_{3,2} & x_{2,3} & x_{1,4} & x_{3,4} \\ \end{pmatrix}\end{split}\]

Note: This is O(1) for forward, and O(n) for backward.

Keyword Arguments:

batch_size (int) – New batch size (default: (1))


The reshaped expression

Return type:


dynet.select_rows(x, rs)

Select rows

Select a subset of rows of a matrix.


An expression containing the selected rows

Return type:


dynet.select_cols(x, cs)

Select columns

Select a subset of columns of a matrix.

  • x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
  • cs (list) – The columns to extract

An expression containing the selected columns

Return type:



Concatenate columns

Perform a concatenation of the columns in multiple expressions. All expressions must have the same number of rows.

Parameters:xs (list) – A list of expressions
Returns:The expression with the columns concatenated
Return type:dynet.Expression
dynet.concatenate(xs, d=0)


Perform a concatenation of multiple expressions along a particular dimension. All expressions must have the same dimensions except for the dimension to be concatenated (rows by default).
  • xs (list) – A list of expressions
  • d – The dimension along with to perform concatenation

The expression concatenated along the particular dimension

Return type:



Concatenate list of expressions to a single batched expression

Perform a concatenation of several expressions along the batch dimension. All expressions must have the same shape except for the batch dimension.

Parameters:xs (list) – A list of expressions of same dimension (except batch size)
Returns:The expression with the batch dimensions concatenated
Return type:dynet.Expression

Prevent backprop

This node has no effect on the forward pass, but prevents gradients from flowing backward during the backward pass. This is useful when there’s a subgraph for which you don’t want loss passed back to the parameters.

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Returns:An output expression containing the same as input (only effects on backprop process)
Return type:dynet.Expression
dynet.flip_gradient(x, lambd=1.0)

Flip gradient

This node has no effect on the forward pass, but takes negative on backprop process. This operation is widely used in adversarial networks.

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Returns:An output expression containing the same as input (only effects on backprop process)
Return type:dynet.Expression
dynet.argmax(x, gradient_mode)


This node takes an input vector \(x\) and returns a one hot vector \(y\) such that \(y_{\text{argmax} x}=1\) There are two gradient modes for this operation:

argmax(x, gradient_mode="zero_gradient")

is the standard argmax operation. Note that this almost everywhere differentiable and its gradient is 0. It will stop your gradient

argmax(x, gradient_mode="straight_through_gradient")

This gradient mode implements the straight-through estimator (Bengio et al., 2013). Its forward pass is the same as the argmax operation, but its gradient is the same as the identity function. Note that this does not technically correspond to a differentiable function (hence the name “estimator”). Tensors of order \(>1\) are not supported yet. If you really need to use this operation on matrices, tensors, etc… feel free to open an issue on github.

  • x (dynet.Expression) – The input vector (can be batched)
  • gradient_mode (str) – Gradient mode for the backward pass (one of "zero_gradient" or "straight_through_gradient"

The one hot argmax vector

Return type:


Noise operations

dynet.noise(x, stddev)

Additive gaussian noise

Add gaussian noise to an expression.

  • x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
  • stddev (number) – The standard deviation of the gaussian

\(y\sim\mathcal N(x,\texttt{stddev})\)

Return type:


dynet.dropout(x, p)


With a fixed probability, drop out (set to zero) nodes in the input expression, and scale the remaining nodes by 1/p. Note that there are two kinds of dropout:

  • Regular dropout: where we perform dropout at training time and then scale outputs by p at test time.
  • Inverted dropout: where we perform dropout and scaling at training time, and do not need to do anything at test time.

DyNet implements the latter, so you only need to apply dropout at training time, and do not need to perform scaling and test time.

  • x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
  • p (number) – The dropout probability

The dropped out expression \(y=\frac{1}{1-\texttt{p}}x\circ z, z\sim\text{Bernoulli}(1-\texttt{p})\)

Return type:


dynet.dropout_dim(x, d, p)

Dropout along one dimension

Identical to the dropout operation except the dropout mask is the same across one dimension. Use this if you want to drop columns or lines in a matrix for example

For now this only supports tensors of order <= 3 (with or without batch dimension)

  • x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
  • d (int) – Dimension along which to drop
  • p (number) – The dropout probability

The dropped expression

Return type:


dynet.dropout_batch(x, p)

Dropout entire elements of a minibatch

Identical to the dropout operation except entire batch elements are dropped

  • x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
  • p (number) – The dropout probability

The dropped expression

Return type:


dynet.block_dropout(x, p)

Block dropout

Identical to the dropout operation, but either drops out all or no values in the expression, as opposed to making a decision about each value individually.

  • x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
  • p (number) – The dropout probability

The block dropout expression

Return type:


Linear algebra operations


Affine transform

This performs an affine transform over an arbitrary (odd) number of expressions held in the input initializer list xs. The first expression is the “bias,” which is added to the expression as-is. The remaining expressions are multiplied together in pairs, then added. A very common usage case is the calculation of the score for a neural network layer (e.g. \(b + Wz\)) where b is the bias, W is the weight matrix, and z is the input. In this case xs[0] = b, xs[1] = W, and xs[2] = z.

Parameters:exprs (list) – A list containing an odd number of expressions
Returns:An expression equal to: xs[0] + xs[1]*xs[2] + xs[3]*xs[4] + ...
Return type:dynet.Expression
dynet.dot_product(x, y)

Dot Product

Calculate the dot product \(x^Ty=\sum_i x_iy_i\)


\(x^Ty=\sum_i x_iy_i\)

Return type:


dynet.transpose(x, dims=[1, 0])

Transpose a matrix

Get the transpose of the matrix, or if dims is specified shuffle the dimensions arbitrarily.

Note: This is O(1) if either the row or column dimension is 1, and O(n) otherwise.

  • x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
  • dims (list) – The dimensions to swap. The ith dimension of the output will be equal to the dims[i] dimension of the input. dims must have the same number of dimensions as x.

\(x^T\) / the shuffled expression

Return type:



Matrix Inverse

Takes the inverse of a matrix (not implemented on GPU yet, although contributions are welcome: issue). Note that back-propagating through an inverted matrix can also be the source of stability problems sometimes.

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Returns:Inverse of x
Return type:dynet.Expression
dynet.trace_of_product(x, y)

Trace of Matrix Product

Takes the trace of the product of matrices. (not implemented on GPU yet, although contributions are welcome: issue).



Return type:



Log determinant

Takes the log of the determinant of a matrix. (not implemented on GPU yet, although contributions are welcome: issue).

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Returns:\(\log(\vert x\vert)\)
Return type:dynet.Expression

Convolution/Pooling operations

dynet.conv2d(x, f, stride, is_valid=True)

2D convolution without bias

2D convolution operator without bias parameters. VALID and SAME convolutions are supported.

Think about when stride is 1, the distinction:

  • SAME: output size is the same with input size. To do so, one needs to pad the input so the filter can sweep outside of the input maps.
  • VALID: output size shrinks by filter_size - 1, and the filters always sweep at valid positions inside the input maps. No padding needed.

In detail, assume

  • Input feature maps: XH x XW x XC x N
  • Filters: FH x FW x XC x FC
  • Strides: strides[0] and strides[1] are row (h) and col (w) stride, respectively.

For the SAME convolution: the output height (YH) and width (YW) are computed as:

  • YH = ceil(float(XH) / float(strides[0]))
  • YW = ceil(float(XW) / float(strides[1]))

and the paddings are computed as:

  • pad_along_height = max((YH - 1) * strides[0] + FH - XH, 0)
  • pad_along_width = max((YW - 1) * strides[1] + FW - XW, 0)
  • pad_top = pad_along_height / 2
  • pad_bottom = pad_along_height - pad_top
  • pad_left = pad_along_width / 2
  • pad_right = pad_along_width - pad_left

For the VALID convolution: the output height (:code`YH`) and width (YW) are computed as:

  • YH = ceil(float(XH - FH + 1) / float(strides[0]))
  • YW = ceil(float(XW - FW + 1) / float(strides[1]))

and the paddings are always zeros.

  • x (dynet.Expression) – The input feature maps: (H x W x Ci) x N (ColMaj), 3D tensor with an optional batch dimension
  • f (dynet.Expression) – 2D convolution filters: H x W x Ci x Co (ColMaj), 4D tensor
  • stride (list) – the row and column strides
Keyword Arguments:

is_valid (bool) – ‘VALID’ convolution or ‘SAME’ convolution, default is True (‘VALID’) (default: (True))


The output feature maps (H x W x Co) x N, 3D tensor with an optional batch dimension

Return type:


dynet.conv2d_bias(x, f, b, stride, is_valid=True)

2D convolution with bias

2D convolution operator with bias parameters. VALID and SAME convolutions are supported.

Think about when stride is 1, the distinction:

  • SAME: output size is the same with input size. To do so, one needs to pad the input so the filter can sweep outside of the input maps.
  • VALID: output size shrinks by filter_size - 1, and the filters always sweep at valid positions inside the input maps. No padding needed.

In detail, assume

  • Input feature maps: XH x XW x XC x N
  • Filters: FH x FW x XC x FC
  • Strides: strides[0] and strides[1] are row (h) and col (w) stride, respectively.

For the SAME convolution: the output height (YH) and width (YW) are computed as:

  • YH = ceil(float(XH) / float(strides[0]))
  • YW = ceil(float(XW) / float(strides[1]))

and the paddings are computed as:

  • pad_along_height = max((YH - 1) * strides[0] + FH - XH, 0)
  • pad_along_width = max((YW - 1) * strides[1] + FW - XW, 0)
  • pad_top = pad_along_height / 2
  • pad_bottom = pad_along_height - pad_top
  • pad_left = pad_along_width / 2
  • pad_right = pad_along_width - pad_left

For the VALID convolution: the output height (:code`YH`) and width (YW) are computed as:

  • YH = ceil(float(XH - FH + 1) / float(strides[0]))
  • YW = ceil(float(XW - FW + 1) / float(strides[1]))

and the paddings are always zeros.

  • x (dynet.Expression) – The input feature maps: (H x W x Ci) x N (ColMaj), 3D tensor with an optional batch dimension
  • f (dynet.Expression) – 2D convolution filters: H x W x Ci x Co (ColMaj), 4D tensor
  • b (dynet.Expression) – The bias (1D: Ci)
  • stride (list) – the row and column strides
Keyword Arguments:

is_valid (bool) – ‘VALID’ convolution or ‘SAME’ convolution, default is True (‘VALID’) (default: (True))


The output feature maps (H x W x Co) x N, 3D tensor with an optional batch dimension

Return type:


dynet.maxpooling2d(x, ksize, stride, is_valid=True)

2D maxpooling

2D maxpooling operator. VALID and SAME maxpooling are supported.

  • x (dynet.Expression) – The input feature maps: (H x W x Ci) x N (ColMaj), 3D tensor with an optional batch dimension
  • ksize (list) – the max pooling 2d window size
  • stride (list) – the row and column strides
Keyword Arguments:

is_valid (bool) – ‘VALID’ or ‘SAME’, default is True (‘VALID’) (default: (True))


The output feature maps (H x W x Co) x N, 3D tensor with an optional batch dimension

Return type:


dynet.filter1d_narrow(x, y)





Return type:


dynet.kmax_pooling(x, k, d=1)

Kmax-pooling operation

Select out k maximum values along a given dimension, in the same order as they appear. This will result in the size of the given dimension being changed to k.

  • x (dynet.Expression) –
  • k (unsigned) – Number of maximum values to retrieve along the given dimension
Keyword Arguments:

d (unsigned) – Dimension on which to perform kmax-pooling (default: (1))


Return type:


dynet.circ_conv(u, v)

Circular convolution

Calculate the circular convolution \([u * v]_k=\sum_i u_iv_{(k-i) \mod d}\)


\(u * v\)

Return type:


dynet.circ_corr(u, v)

Circular correlation

Calculate the circular correlation \([u \star v]_k=\sum_i u_iv_{(i + k) \mod d}\)


\(u \star v\)

Return type:


Tensor operations

Remark: Compiling the contraction operations takes a lot of time with CUDA. For this reason, only the CPU implementation is compiled by default. If you need those operations, you need to un-comment this line in the source before compiling. TODO: make this simpler.

dynet.contract3d_1d(x, y)

Contracts a rank 3 tensor and a rank 1 tensor into a rank 2 tensor

The resulting tensor \(z\) has coordinates \(z_ij = \sum_k x_{ijk} y_k\)


Matrix dynet.Expression

dynet.contract3d_1d_bias(x, y, b)

Same as contract3d_1d with an additional bias parameter

The resulting tensor \(z\) has coordinates \(z_{ij} = b_{ij}+\sum_k x_{ijk} y_k\)


Matrix dynet.Expression

dynet.contract3d_1d_1d(x, y, z)

Contracts a rank 3 tensor and two rank 1 tensor into a rank 1 tensor

This is the equivalent of calling contract3d_1d and then performing a matrix vector multiplication.

The resulting tensor \(t\) has coordinates \(t_i = \sum_{j,k} x_{ijk} y_k z_j\)


Vector dynet.Expression

dynet.contract3d_1d_1d_bias(x, y, z, b)

Same as contract3d_1d_1d with an additional bias parameter

This is the equivalent of calling contract3d_1d and then performing an affine transform.

The resulting tensor \(t\) has coordinates \(t_i = b_i + \sum_{j,k} x_{ijk} y_k z_j\)


Vector dynet.Expression

Normalization operations

dynet.layer_norm(x, g, b)

Layer normalization

Performs layer normalization :

\[\begin{split}\begin{split} \mu &= \frac 1 n \sum_{i=1}^n x_i\\ \sigma &= \sqrt{\frac 1 n \sum_{i=1}^n (x_i-\mu)^2}\\ y&=\frac {\boldsymbol{g}} \sigma \circ (\boldsymbol{x}-\mu) + \boldsymbol{b}\\ \end{split}\end{split}\]

Reference : Ba et al., 2016


An expression of the same dimension as x dynet.Expression

dynet.weight_norm(w, g)

Weight normalization

Performs weight normalization :

\[\begin{split}\begin{split} \hat{w} &= g\frac{w}{\Vert w\Vert}\\ \end{split}\end{split}\]

Reference : Salimans, Kingma 2016


An expression of the same dimension as w dynet.Expression

Recurrent Neural Networks

RNN Builders

class dynet._RNNBuilder



initial_state(vecs=None, update=True)

Get a dynet.RNNState

This initializes a dynet.RNNState by loading the parameters in the computation graph

  • vecs (list) – Initial hidden state for each layer as a list of dynet.Expression s (default: {None})
  • update (bool) – trainer updates internal parameters (default: {True}) NOTE: subsequent calls without calling dynet.renew_cg() will not change the update behavior.

dynet.RNNState used to feed inputs/transduces sequences, etc… dynet.RNNState

initial_state_from_raw_vectors(vecs, update=True)

Get a dynet.RNNState

This initializes a dynet.RNNState by loading the parameters in the computation graph

Use this if you want to initialize the hidden states with values directly rather than expressions.

  • vecs (list) – Initial hidden state for each layer as a list of numpy arrays (default: {None})
  • update (bool) – trainer updates internal parameters (default: {True}) NOTE: subsequent calls without calling dynet.renew_cg() will not change the update behavior.

dynet.RNNState used to feed inputs/transduces sequences, etc… dynet.RNNState




Parameters:f (float) – [description]
class dynet.SimpleRNNBuilder

Bases: dynet._RNNBuilder

Simple RNNBuilder with tanh as the activation. This cell runs according to the following dynamics :

\[\begin{split}\begin{split} h_t & = anh(W_{x}x_t+W_{h}h_{t-1}+b)\\ \end{split}\end{split}\]
  • layers (int) – Number of layers
  • input_dim (int) – Dimension of the input
  • hidden_dim (int) – Dimension of the recurrent units
  • model (dynet.ParameterCollection) – ParameterCollection to hold the parameters

Retrieve the internal parameters expressions of the RNN

The output is a list with one item per layer. Each item is a list containing \(W_{hx},W_{hh},b_h\)

Returns:List of parameter expressions for each layer list
Raises:ValueError – This raises an expression if initial_state hasn’t been called because it requires thr parameters to be loaded in the computation graph. However it prevents the parameters to be loaded twice in the computation graph (compared to dynet.parameter(rnn.get_parameters()[0][0]) for example).

Retrieve the internal parameters of the RNN

The output is a list with one item per layer. Each item is a list containing \(W_{hx},W_{hh},b_h\)

Returns:List of parameters for each layer list

Set dropout masks at the beginning of a sequence for a specific batch size

If this function is not called on batched input, the same mask will be applied across all batch elements. Use this to apply different masks to each batch element

You need to call this __AFTER__ calling initial_state

Parameters:batch_size (int) – Batch size (default: {1})
set_dropouts(d, d_h)

Set the dropout rates

The dropout implemented here is the variational dropout introduced in Gal, 2016

More specifically, dropout masks \(\mathbf{z_x}\sim \text{Bernoulli}(1-d)\), \(\mathbf{z_h}\sim \text{Bernoulli}(1-d_h)\) are sampled at the start of each sequence.

The dynamics of the cell are then modified to :

\[\begin{split} h_t & =\tanh(W_{x}(\frac 1 {1-d}\mathbf{z_x} \circ x_t)+W_{h}(\frac 1 {1-d}\mathbf{z_h} \circ h_{t-1})+b) \end{split}\]

For more detail as to why scaling is applied, see the “Unorthodox” section of the documentation

  • d (number) – Dropout rate \(d\) for the input.
  • d_h (number) – Dropout rate \(d_h\) for the hidden unit \(h_t\)
class dynet.GRUBuilder

Bases: dynet._RNNBuilder




Retrieve the internal parameters expressions of the GRU

The output is a list with one item per layer. Each item is a list containing \(W_{zx},W_{zh},b_z,W_{rx},W_{rh},b_r,W_{hx},W_{hh},b_h\)

Returns:List of parameter expressions for each layer list
Raises:ValueError – This raises an expression if initial_state hasn’t been called because it requires thr parameters to be loaded in the computation graph. However it prevents the parameters to be loaded twice in the computation graph (compared to dynet.parameter(rnn.get_parameters()[0][0]) for example).

Retrieve the internal parameters of the GRU

The output is a list with one item per layer. Each item is a list containing \(W_{zx},W_{zh},b_z,W_{rx},W_{rh},b_r,W_{hx},W_{hh},b_h\)

Returns:List of parameters for each layer list
class dynet.VanillaLSTMBuilder(layers, input_dim, hidden_dim, model, ln_lstm=False, forget_bias=1.0)

Bases: dynet._RNNBuilder

VanillaLSTM allows to create an “standard” LSTM, ie with decoupled input and forget gate and no peepholes connections

This cell runs according to the following dynamics :

\[\begin{split}\begin{split} i_t & =\sigma(W_{ix}x_t+W_{ih}h_{t-1}+b_i)\\ f_t & = \sigma(W_{fx}x_t+W_{fh}h_{t-1}+b_f+1)\\ o_t & = \sigma(W_{ox}x_t+W_{oh}h_{t-1}+b_o)\\ \tilde{c_t} & = \tanh(W_{cx}x_t+W_{ch}h_{t-1}+b_c)\\ c_t & = c_{t-1}\circ f_t + \tilde{c_t}\circ i_t\\ h_t & = \tanh(c_t)\circ o_t\\ \end{split}\end{split}\]
  • layers (int) – Number of layers
  • input_dim (int) – Dimension of the input
  • hidden_dim (int) – Dimension of the recurrent units
  • model (dynet.ParameterCollection) – ParameterCollection to hold the parameters
  • ln_lstm (bool) – Whether to use layer normalization
  • forget_bias (float) – value to use as forget gate bias(default 1.0)

Retrieve the internal parameters expressions of the VanillaLSTM

The output is a list with one item per layer. Each item is a list containing \(W_x,W_h,b\) where \(W_x,W_h\) are stacked version of the individual gates matrices:

    |      |
i   |      |
    |      |
f   |      |
    |      |
o   |      |
    |      |
c   |      |
Returns:List of parameter expressions for each layer list
Raises:ValueError – This raises an expression if initial_state hasn’t been called because it requires thr parameters to be loaded in the computation graph. However it prevents the parameters to be loaded twice in the computation graph (compared to dynet.parameter(rnn.get_parameters()[0][0]) for example).

Retrieve the internal parameters of the VanillaLSTM

The output is a list with one item per layer. Each item is a list containing \(W_x,W_h,b\) where \(W_x,W_h\) are stacked version of the individual gates matrices:

    |      |
i   |      |
    |      |
f   |      |
    |      |
o   |      |
    |      |
c   |      |
Returns:List of parameters for each layer list

Set dropout masks at the beginning of a sequence for a specific batch size

If this function is not called on batched input, the same mask will be applied across all batch elements. Use this to apply different masks to each batch element

You need to call this __AFTER__ calling initial_state

Parameters:batch_size (int) – Batch size (default: {1})
set_dropouts(d, d_r)

Set the dropout rates

The dropout implemented here is the variational dropout with tied weights introduced in Gal, 2016

More specifically, dropout masks \(\mathbf{z_x}\sim \text(1-d_x)\), \(\mathbf{z_h}\sim \text{Bernoulli}(1-d_h)\) are sampled at the start of each sequence.

The dynamics of the cell are then modified to :

\[\begin{split}\begin{split} i_t & =\sigma(W_{ix}(\frac 1 {1-d_x}\mathbf{z_x} \circ x_t)+W_{ih}(\frac 1 {1-d_h}\mathbf{z_h} \circ h_{t-1})+b_i)\\ f_t & = \sigma(W_{fx}(\frac 1 {1-d_x}\mathbf{z_x} \circ x_t)+W_{fh}(\frac 1 {1-d_h}\mathbf{z_h} \circ h_{t-1})+b_f)\\ o_t & = \sigma(W_{ox}(\frac 1 {1-d_x}\mathbf{z_x} \circ x_t)+W_{oh}(\frac 1 {1-d_h}\mathbf{z_h} \circ h_{t-1})+b_o)\\ \tilde{c_t} & = anh(W_{cx}(\frac 1 {1-d_x}\mathbf{z_x} \circ x_t)+W_{ch}(\frac 1 {1-d_h}\mathbf{z_h} \circ h_{t-1})+b_c)\\ c_t & = c_{t-1}\circ f_t + \tilde{c_t}\circ i_t\\ h_t & = \tanh(c_t)\circ o_t\\ \end{split}\end{split}\]

For more detail as to why scaling is applied, see the “Unorthodox” section of the documentation

  • d (number) – Dropout rate \(d_x\) for the input \(x_t\)
  • d_r (number) – Dropout rate \(d_x\) for the output \(h_t\)
class dynet.CompactVanillaLSTMBuilder(layers, input_dim, hidden_dim, model)

Bases: dynet._RNNBuilder

CompactVanillaLSTM allows to create an “standard” LSTM, ie with decoupled input and forget gate and no peepholes connections

This cell runs according to the following dynamics :

\[\begin{split}\begin{split} i_t & =\sigma(W_{ix}x_t+W_{ih}h_{t-1}+b_i)\\ f_t & = \sigma(W_{fx}x_t+W_{fh}h_{t-1}+b_f+1)\\ o_t & = \sigma(W_{ox}x_t+W_{oh}h_{t-1}+b_o)\\ \tilde{c_t} & = \tanh(W_{cx}x_t+W_{ch}h_{t-1}+b_c)\\ c_t & = c_{t-1}\circ f_t + \tilde{c_t}\circ i_t\\ h_t & = \tanh(c_t)\circ o_t\\ \end{split}\end{split}\]
  • layers (int) – Number of layers
  • input_dim (int) – Dimension of the input
  • hidden_dim (int) – Dimension of the recurrent units
  • model (dynet.ParameterCollection) – ParameterCollection to hold the parameters

Retrieve the internal parameters expressions of the CompactVanillaLSTM

The output is a list with one item per layer. Each item is a list containing \(W_x,W_h,b\) where \(W_x,W_h\) are stacked version of the individual gates matrices:

    |      |
i   |      |
    |      |
f   |      |
    |      |
o   |      |
    |      |
c   |      |
Returns:List of parameter expressions for each layer list
Raises:ValueError – This raises an expression if initial_state hasn’t been called because it requires thr parameters to be loaded in the computation graph. However it prevents the parameters to be loaded twice in the computation graph (compared to dynet.parameter(rnn.get_parameters()[0][0]) for example).

Retrieve the internal parameters of the CompactVanillaLSTM

The output is a list with one item per layer. Each item is a list containing \(W_x,W_h,b\) where \(W_x,W_h\) are stacked version of the individual gates matrices:

    |      |
i   |      |
    |      |
f   |      |
    |      |
o   |      |
    |      |
c   |      |
Returns:List of parameters for each layer list

Set dropout masks at the beginning of a sequence for a specific batch size

If this function is not called on batched input, the same mask will be applied across all batch elements. Use this to apply different masks to each batch element

You need to call this __AFTER__ calling initial_state

Parameters:batch_size (int) – Batch size (default: {1})
set_dropouts(d, d_r)

Set the dropout rates

The dropout implemented here is the variational dropout with tied weights introduced in Gal, 2016

More specifically, dropout masks \(\mathbf{z_x}\sim \text(1-d_x)\), \(\mathbf{z_h}\sim \text{Bernoulli}(1-d_h)\) are sampled at the start of each sequence.

The dynamics of the cell are then modified to :

\[\begin{split}\begin{split} i_t & =\sigma(W_{ix}(\frac 1 {1-d_x}\mathbf{z_x} \circ x_t)+W_{ih}(\frac 1 {1-d_h}\mathbf{z_h} \circ h_{t-1})+b_i)\\ f_t & = \sigma(W_{fx}(\frac 1 {1-d_x}\mathbf{z_x} \circ x_t)+W_{fh}(\frac 1 {1-d_h}\mathbf{z_h} \circ h_{t-1})+b_f)\\ o_t & = \sigma(W_{ox}(\frac 1 {1-d_x}\mathbf{z_x} \circ x_t)+W_{oh}(\frac 1 {1-d_h}\mathbf{z_h} \circ h_{t-1})+b_o)\\ \tilde{c_t} & = anh(W_{cx}(\frac 1 {1-d_x}\mathbf{z_x} \circ x_t)+W_{ch}(\frac 1 {1-d_h}\mathbf{z_h} \circ h_{t-1})+b_c)\\ c_t & = c_{t-1}\circ f_t + \tilde{c_t}\circ i_t\\ h_t & = \tanh(c_t)\circ o_t\\ \end{split}\end{split}\]

For more detail as to why scaling is applied, see the “Unorthodox” section of the documentation

  • d (number) – Dropout rate \(d_x\) for the input \(x_t\)
  • d_r (number) – Dropout rate \(d_x\) for the output \(h_t\)

Set the gaussian weight noise

Parameters:std (number) – Standard deviation of weight noise
class dynet.CoupledLSTMBuilder

Bases: dynet._RNNBuilder

CoupledLSTMBuilder creates an LSTM unit with coupled input and forget gate as well as peepholes connections.

More specifically, here are the equations for the dynamics of this cell :

\[\begin{split}\begin{split} i_t & =\sigma(W_{ix}x_t+W_{ih}h_{t-1}+W_{ic}c_{t-1}+b_i)\\ \tilde{c_t} & = \tanh(W_{cx}x_t+W_{ch}h_{t-1}+b_c)\\ c_t & = c_{t-1}\circ (1-i_t) + \tilde{c_t}\circ i_t\\ & = c_{t-1} + (\tilde{c_t}-c_{t-1})\circ i_t\\ o_t & = \sigma(W_{ox}x_t+W_{oh}h_{t-1}+W_{oc}c_{t}+b_o)\\ h_t & = \tanh(c_t)\circ o_t\\ \end{split}\end{split}\]

Retrieve the internal parameters expressions of the LSTM

The output is a list with one item per layer. Each item is a list containing \(W_{ix},W_{ih},W_{ic},b_i,W_{ox},W_{oh},W_{oc},b_o,W_{cx},W_{ch},b_c\)

Returns:List of parameter expressions for each layer list
Raises:ValueError – This raises an expression if initial_state hasn’t been called because it requires thr parameters to be loaded in the computation graph. However it prevents the parameters to be loaded twice in the computation graph (compared to dynet.parameter(rnn.get_parameters()[0][0]) for example).

Retrieve the internal parameters of the LSTM

The output is a list with one item per layer. Each item is a list containing \(W_{ix},W_{ih},W_{ic},b_i,W_{ox},W_{oh},W_{oc},b_o,W_{cx},W_{ch},b_c\)

Returns:List of parameters for each layer list
class dynet.FastLSTMBuilder

Bases: dynet._RNNBuilder




Retrieve the internal parameters expressions of the FastLSTM

The output is a list with one item per layer. Each item is a list containing \(W_{ix},W_{ih},W_{ic},b_i,W_{ox},W_{oh},W_{oc},b_o,W_{cx},W_{ch},b_c\)

Returns:List of parameter expressions for each layer list
Raises:ValueError – This raises an expression if initial_state hasn’t been called because it requires thr parameters to be loaded in the computation graph. However it prevents the parameters to be loaded twice in the computation graph (compared to dynet.parameter(rnn.get_parameters()[0][0]) for example).

Retrieve the internal parameters of the FastLSTM

The output is a list with one item per layer. Each item is a list containing \(W_{ix},W_{ih},W_{ic},b_i,W_{ox},W_{oh},W_{oc},b_o,W_{cx},W_{ch},b_c\)

Returns:List of parameters for each layer list
class dynet.BiRNNBuilder(num_layers, input_dim, hidden_dim, model, rnn_builder_factory, builder_layers=None)

Bases: object

Builder for BiRNNs that delegates to regular RNNs and wires them together.

builder = BiRNNBuilder(1, 128, 100, model, LSTMBuilder) [o1,o2,o3] = builder.transduce([i1,i2,i3])

returns the list of state pairs (stateF, stateB) obtained by adding inputs to both forward (stateF) and backward (stateB) RNNs. Does not preserve the internal state after adding the inputs. :param es: a list of Expression :type es: list

see also transduce(xs)

code:.transduce(xs) is different from .add_inputs(xs) in the following way:

  • code:.add_inputs(xs) returns a list of RNNState pairs. RNNState objects can be
    queried in various ways. In particular, they allow access to the previous state, as well as to the state-vectors (h() and s() )
  • .transduce(xs) returns a list of Expression. These are just the output
    expressions. For many cases, this suffices. transduce is much more memory efficient than add_inputs.

returns the list of output Expressions obtained by adding the given inputs to the current state, one by one, to both the forward and backward RNNs, and concatenating.

@param es: a list of Expression

see also add_inputs(xs)

.transduce(xs) is different from .add_inputs(xs) in the following way:

.add_inputs(xs) returns a list of RNNState pairs. RNNState objects can be
queried in various ways. In particular, they allow access to the previous state, as well as to the state-vectors (h() and s() )
.transduce(xs) returns a list of Expression. These are just the output
expressions. For many cases, this suffices. transduce is much more memory efficient than add_inputs.

RNN state

class dynet.RNNState

This is the main class for working with RNNs / LSTMs / GRUs. Request an RNNState initial_state() from a builder, and then progress from there.


This computes \(h_t = \text{RNN}(x_t)\)

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
Returns:New RNNState dynet.RNNState

Returns the list of states obtained by adding the given inputs to the current state, one by one.

see also transduce(xs)

.transduce(xs) is different from .add_inputs(xs) in the following way:

  • .add_inputs(xs) returns a list of RNNState. RNNState objects can be
    queried in various ways. In particular, they allow access to the previous state, as well as to the state-vectors (h() and s() )
  • .transduce(xs) returns a list of Expression. These are just the output
    expressions. For many cases, this suffices.

transduce is much more memory efficient than add_inputs.

Parameters:xs (list) – list of input expressions
Returns:New RNNState dynet.RNNState

Get the underlying RNNBuilder

In case you need to set dropout or other stuff.

Returns:Underlying RNNBuilder dynet.RNNBuilder

tuple of expressions representing the output of each hidden layer of the current step. the actual output of the network is at h()[-1].


Gets previous RNNState

In case you need to rewind


tuple of expressions representing the hidden state of the current step.

For SimpleRNN, s() is the same as h() For LSTM, s() is a series of of memory vectors, followed the series followed by the series returned by h():

(c[1],...,c[num_layers], h[1],...,h[num_layers])

Manually set the output \(h_t\)

Parameters:es (list) – List of expressions, one for each layer (default: {None})
Returns:New RNNState dynet.RNNState

Manually set the hidden states

This is different from set_h because, for LSTMs for instance this also sets the cell state. The format is [new_c[0],...,new_c[n],new_h[0],...,new_h[n]]

Parameters:es (list) – List of expressions, in this format : [new_c[0],...,new_c[n],new_h[0],...,new_h[n]] (default: {None})
Returns:New RNNState dynet.RNNState

returns the list of output Expressions obtained by adding the given inputs to the current state, one by one.

see also add_inputs(xs)

.transduce(xs) is different from .add_inputs(xs) in the following way:

  • .add_inputs(xs) returns a list of RNNState. RNNState objects can be
    queried in various ways. In particular, they allow access to the previous state, as well as to the state-vectors (h() and s() )
  • .transduce(xs) returns a list of Expression. These are just the output
    expressions. For many cases, this suffices.

transduce is much more memory efficient than add_inputs.

Parameters:xs (list) – list of input expressions
Returns:New RNNState dynet.RNNState
class dynet.StackedRNNState(states, prev=None)

returns the list of states obtained by adding the given inputs to the current state, one by one.

Softmax Builders

class dynet.SoftmaxBuilder

Interface for building softmax layers

A softmax layer returns a probability distribution over \(C\) classes given a vector \(h\in\mathbb R^d\), with

\[p(c)\propto \exp(W_i^Th + b_i)\ \forall i\in\{1\ldots C\}\]

Where \(W\in \mathbb R^{C\times d}, b \in \mathbb R^C\)

full_log_distribution(x, update=True)

Returns an Expression representing a vector the size of the number of classes.

The ith dimension gives \(\log p(c_i | x)\). This function may be SLOW. Avoid if possible.

  • x (dynet.Expression) – Input vector
  • update (bool) – Whether to update the parameters or not (default: {True})

Vector of \(\log(p(c\mid x)\) dynet.Expression

full_logits(x, update=True)

Returns the logits (before application of the softmax)

The ith dimension gives \(W_i^Tx + b_i\)

  • x (dynet.Expression) – Input vector
  • update (bool) – Whether to update the parameters or not (default: {True})

Expression for the logits dynet.Expression

neg_log_softmax(x, c, update=True)

Negative log probability of a class

Given class \(c\) and vector \(x\), this returns \(-\log(p(c \mid x))\)

  • x (dynet.Expression) – Input vector
  • c (unsigned) – Class id
  • update (bool) – Whether to update the parameters or not (default: {True})

Log probability of given class dynet.Expression

neg_log_softmax_batch(x, c, update=True)

Batched version of neg_log_softmax

  • x (dynet.Expression) – Input vector (batched)
  • c (list) – list of class ids (one per batch element)
  • update (bool) – Whether to update the parameters or not (default: {True})

Log probability of given class dynet.Expression


Returns the ParameterCollection containing the softmax parameters

The first parameter in the parametercollection is the weight matrix, the second is the biases (if any)

Returns:Subcollection holding the parameters ParameterCollection

Sample from the softmax distribution

Parameters:x (dynet.Expression) – Input vector
Returns:Sampled class int
class dynet.StandardSoftmaxBuilder

Bases: dynet.SoftmaxBuilder

This class implements the standard Softmax

class dynet.ClassFactoredSoftmaxBuilder

Bases: dynet.SoftmaxBuilder

Class factored softmax

Each class is separated into a subclass, ie \(p(i\mid h)=p(i\mid h, c) p(c\mid h)\) where \(c\) is a class and \(i\) a subclass

class_log_distribution(x, update=True)

Get log distribution over classes

  • x (dynet.Expression) – Input vector
  • update (bool) – Whether to update the parameters or not (default: {True})

Vector of \(\log(p(c\mid x)\) dynet.Expression

class_logits(x, update=True)

Returns the logits over classes

  • x (dynet.Expression) – Input vector
  • update (bool) – Whether to update the parameters or not (default: {True})

Expression for the logits dynet.Expression

subclass_log_distribution(x, classid, update=True)

Get log distribution over subclasses of class

  • x (dynet.Expression) – Input vector
  • classid (int) – class index
  • update (bool) – Whether to update the parameters or not (default: {True})

Vector of \(\log(p(i\mid x, \texttt{classid})\) dynet.Expression

subclass_logits(x, classid, update=True)

Logits over subclasses of class

  • x (dynet.Expression) – Input vector
  • classid (int) – class index
  • update (bool) – Whether to update the parameters or not (default: {True})

Expression for the logits dynet.Expression


class dynet.Trainer

Generic trainer


number – Global learning rate for all parameters


Get clipping threshold

Returns:Gradient clipping threshold
Return type:number

Restarts the optimizer

Clears all momentum values and assimilate (if applicable)

Parameters:learning_rate (number) – (Optional) resets the learning rate

Set clipping thershold

To deactivate clipping, set the threshold to be <=0

Parameters:thr (number) – Clipping threshold

Sets updates to sparse updates

DyNet trainers support two types of updates for lookup parameters, sparse and dense. Sparse updates are the default. They have the potential to be faster, as they only touch the parameters that have non-zero gradients. However, they may not always be faster (particulary on GPU with mini-batch training), and are not precisely numerically correct for some update rules such as MomentumTrainer and AdamTrainer. Thus, if you set this variable to false, the trainer will perform dense updates and be precisely correct, and maybe faster sometimes. :param su: flag to activate/deactivate sparse updates :type su: bool


Outputs information about the trainer in the stderr

(number of updates since last call, number of clipped gradients, learning rate, etc…)


Update the parameters

The update equation is different for each trainer, check the online c++ documentation for more details on what each trainer does


DEPRECATED: do not use.

update_subset(updated_params, updated_lookups)

Update a subset of parameters

Only use this in last resort, a more elegant way to update only a subset of parameters is to use the “update” keyword in dy.parameter or Parameter.expr() to specify which parameters need to be updated __during the creation of the computation graph__

  • updated_params (list) – Indices of parameters to update
  • updated_lookups (list) – Indices of lookup parameters to update
class dynet.SimpleSGDTrainer

Bases: dynet.Trainer

Stochastic gradient descent trainer

This trainer performs stochastic gradient descent, the goto optimization procedure for neural networks.

Parameters:m (dynet.ParameterCollection) – ParameterCollection to be trained
Keyword Arguments:
 learning_rate (number) – Initial learning rate (default: 0.1)
class dynet.CyclicalSGDTrainer

Bases: dynet.Trainer

This trainer performs stochastic gradient descent with a cyclical learning rate as proposed in Smith, 2015.

This uses a triangular function with optional exponential decay.

More specifically, at each update, the learning rate \(\eta\) is updated according to :

\[\begin{split} \begin{split} \text{cycle} &= \left\lfloor 1 + \frac{\texttt{it}}{2 \times\texttt{step_size}} \right\rfloor\\ x &= \left\vert \frac{\texttt{it}}{\texttt{step_size}} - 2 \times \text{cycle} + 1\right\vert\\ \eta &= \eta_{\text{min}} + (\eta_{\text{max}} - \eta_{\text{min}}) \times \max(0, 1 - x) \times \gamma^{\texttt{it}}\\ \end{split}\end{split}\]

m (dynet.ParameterCollection) – ParameterCollection to be trained

Keyword Arguments:
  • learning_rate_min (number) – Lower learning rate (default: {0.01})
  • learning_rate_max (number) – Upper learning rate (default: {0.1})
  • step_size (number) – Period of the triangular function in number of iterations (__not__ epochs). According to the original paper, this should be set around (2-8) x (training iterations in epoch) (default: {2000})
  • gamma (number) – Learning rate upper bound decay parameter (default: {0.0})
class dynet.MomentumSGDTrainer

Bases: dynet.Trainer

Stochastic gradient descent with momentum

This is a modified version of the SGD algorithm with momentum to stablize the gradient trajectory.


m (dynet.ParameterCollection) – ParameterCollection to be trained

Keyword Arguments:
  • learning_rate (number) – Initial learning rate (default: 0.1)
  • mom (number) – Momentum (default: 0.9)
class dynet.AdagradTrainer

Bases: dynet.Trainer

Adagrad optimizer

The adagrad algorithm assigns a different learning rate to each parameter.


m (dynet.ParameterCollection) – ParameterCollection to be trained

Keyword Arguments:
  • learning_rate (number) – Initial learning rate (default: 0.1)
  • eps (number) – Epsilon parameter to prevent numerical instability (default: 1e-20)
class dynet.AdadeltaTrainer

Bases: dynet.Trainer

AdaDelta optimizer

The AdaDelta optimizer is a variant of Adagrad aiming to prevent vanishing learning rates.


m (dynet.ParameterCollection) – ParameterCollection to be trained

Keyword Arguments:
  • eps (number) – Epsilon parameter to prevent numerical instability (default: 1e-6)
  • rho (number) – Update parameter for the moving average of updates in the numerator (default: 0.95)
class dynet.RMSPropTrainer

Bases: dynet.Trainer

RMSProp optimizer

The RMSProp optimizer is a variant of Adagrad where the squared sum of previous gradients is replaced with a moving average with parameter rho.


m (dynet.ParameterCollection) – ParameterCollection to be trained

Keyword Arguments:
  • learning_rate (number) – Initial learning rate (default: 0.001)
  • eps (number) – Epsilon parameter to prevent numerical instability (default: 1e-8)
  • rho (number) – Update parameter for the moving average (rho = 0 is equivalent to using Adagrad) (default: 0.9)
class dynet.AdamTrainer

Bases: dynet.Trainer

Adam optimizer

The Adam optimizer is similar to RMSProp but uses unbiased estimates of the first and second moments of the gradient


m (dynet.ParameterCollection) – ParameterCollection to be trained

Keyword Arguments:
  • alpha (number) – Initial learning rate (default: 0.001)
  • beta_1 (number) – Moving average parameter for the mean (default: 0.9)
  • beta_2 (number) – Moving average parameter for the variance (default: 0.999)
  • eps (number) – Epsilon parameter to prevent numerical instability (default: 1e-8)
class dynet.AmsgradTrainer

Bases: dynet.Trainer

AMSGrad optimizer

The AMSGrad optimizer is similar to Adam which uses unbiased estimates of the first and second moments of the gradient, however AMSGrad keeps the maximum of all the second moments and uses that instead


m (dynet.ParameterCollection) – ParameterCollection to be trained

Keyword Arguments:
  • alpha (number) – Initial learning rate (default: 0.001)
  • beta_1 (number) – Moving average parameter for the mean (default: 0.9)
  • beta_2 (number) – Moving average parameter for the variance (default: 0.999)
  • eps (number) – Epsilon parameter to prevent numerical instability (default: 1e-8)


dynet.to_device(e, device_str)

Copy Expression’s values between devices. Creates a new expression with e’s values on device device_str.

